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Discussions & Quotes

Categorized as Overweight

Categorized as Overweight

Most of us are overweight. That is what we are told, and as evidence, the News has images of out-of-shape people eating dessert on the sidewalk. At first glance it looks true, we are overweight. The data support the claim. But with 75% of adult...

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Jefferson to Adams, A Correspondence of Inquiry

Jefferson to Adams, A Correspondence of Inquiry

People prefer to affiliate themselves with wealthy, beautiful, and well born persons over those whose gifts are limited to only virtue and wisdom. John Adams, citing evidence from ancient Greek poetry, stated that this behavior has always existed;...

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Summer Precipitation in Connecticut, 2021

Summer Precipitation in Connecticut, 2021

Whenever the weather seems unseasonably extreme in one direction or the other, I find myself wondering how it compares to years past.  This recent summer in Connecticut started off with several rainy weekends that potentially biased my opinion, so...

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Temperature Data Visualization in Python

Temperature Data Visualization in Python

Daily high/low temperatures for 2020 as compared to the preceding 20 years for Central Connecticut.  The solid red and blue circles on the chart indicate days in 2020 that set new record highs or lows as compared to the preceding 20 years.The...

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Lincoln on the Eve of the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln on the Eve of the Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation,...

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An FDR Quote on Leadership

An FDR Quote on Leadership

“The presidency is not merely an administrative office. That’s the least of it. It is more than an engineering job, efficient or inefficient. It is pre-eminently a place of moral leadership. All our great Presidents were leaders of thought at times...

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Leadership Literature and a Team of Rivals

Leadership Literature and a Team of Rivals

From How-To books and seminars to inspirational banners and posters, everybody is adding content to the leadership story.   There's not enough time to read or make sense of it all, and clearly it isn't all worth reading.  Since advice on leadership...

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FMEA Literacy

FMEA Literacy

Increasing an FMEA’s readability is about ensuring a consistent cadence from line to line, Function to Recommended Action, left to right. The logic has to be consistent and obvious to a person not having an intimate knowledge of the design’s intricacies.

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Machine Learning in Manufacturing

Machine Learning in Manufacturing

Artificial intelligence has crept into almost every aspect of modern society. The recent boom in AI started with a subcategory called Machine Learning (ML), where software is ‘taught’ how to recognize patterns in data using sophisticated algorithms...

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River of Doubt

River of Doubt

They both possessed a sense of humility that drove them to treat all people with dignity and respect, while at the same time demanding a certain level performance from everybody according to their station. They were leaders of the mission, but they did not to wield this rank in every aspect of their relationships with others.

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Ai4 Healthcare 2018 – Artificial Intelligence Examples

Ai4 Healthcare 2018 – Artificial Intelligence Examples

Considering a large hospital with approximately 1000 beds, the data generated for a single patient in a single day is larger than any single person can analyze. Multiply by every patient and you have Big Data. A care provider needn’t understand all the data, because it comes from multiple departments and specialties.

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AI Disrupting Healthcare

AI Disrupting Healthcare

What if the big tech companies, with all their insight into our lifestyle choices and all of the health data accumulating on our phones and in our online history, started analyzing health trends? What if Alexia, Cortana, or my watch not only reminded me to take a few steps, but also commented on trends in my blood pressure or weight data and correlated these with my diet or mood?

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